What's the Matter?
A range of seemingly minor disorders often causes physical and mental breakdowns and illnesses. In general, these are the stepping stones to more severe diseases.
Circumstances can cause health problems, and it is your state of mind, your resilience and how you react to the issues that determine how well and quickly you recover.
On the other hand, you may cause the problems and slip into unwanted misery. In both situations, you are the only one with the key to effective prevention! No need to explain; you are smart enough to recognise the signs yourself.
But a different approach is needed when prevention is too late, and you are already in the doldrums. Forget about a quick fix. Forget putting it on your GP's or other doctor's plate. It is your way of life, your mental state and everything that goes with it that needs a substantial change to begin with.
The smartest thing to do is to engage a Mentor or Guide who will accompany you when you want to be led out of the valley and up to the summit. Where the sun shines and a new view awaits, as well as yourBigSmile.
Is it that easy? Yes, it is. Look further on this website to see what The Unique Life Creator System offers.
From Personal Consultancy to participation in MasterClasses; there is also a lot of guiding information to be found. But let there be no misunderstanding. If you have physical or psychological complaints that worry you or those around you, it is strongly recommended that you consult your GP!
In my free Orange Checklist OC-105-E, "What's the matter?" you will find an overview of conditions that influence your life to a greater or lesser degree. The checklist is no more than an awareness-raising tool for you. Tick what you think relates to your life. It is good to start talking about it with your doctor or with me.
Your GP will most likely refer to whatever specialist(s) he or she thinks are required in your situation.
You have the choice of going the traditional or non-traditional route.
The traditional path to recovery of the old situation; the non-traditional with me to a unique new life.
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Orange Checklist OC-105-E What's the Matter