Partnership Check Plan
Are you in a bad, dead, or sleeping Partnership, or do you have none while you long for one? Is it causing you unhappy stress? Get rid of this unhappy stress caused by your unhappy Partnership.
Do you want to learn how to bring life, love, respect, and new value into your current Partnership or make that a starting point in a future Partnership? Do you wish to lift your existing Partnership to a higher level instantly?
Wouldn't it be great if you knew what to look for when you are searching for your ideal partner in a future Partnership? How great would it be to be happy in your Partnership? You, as well as your (future) partner, deserve it!
In my Partnership Questionnaire, you can explore the aspects of past and (possible) future Partnership and make yourself aware of how these aspects affect you and where there is ground for change. The sole purpose of you going through the Questionnaire is to gain insights you might not have had so far. You don't have to share the ticked Questionnaire with me.
That makes you sufficiently prepared to participate in my Partnership Check Plan, where I go through the issues to be worked on with you.
You will receive the necessary instructions on how we’ll proceed before and during the sessions.
Plan includes
Your Benefits
After you have filled out the questionnaire for yourself:
How we communicate
Due to the personal character of the sessions, video-communication is inevitable; the non-verbal aspect of the communication is not neglected. We use supportive visual tools by screen sharing and user-friendly and safe online communication platform. Our communication is confidential, privat and secure.
Partnership Check Plan