
Personal Consultancy Plan

When you’re outdoors and almost home, your living area, street and home entrance welcome you. That familiar feeling pops up. Home sweet home. Especially in the winter, late afternoon, when it’s dark and cold outside, and the lights are on in the neighbouring houses and, in particular, the wispy curls of smoke coming out of the chimneys. The thought of a cosy home. The best part of going away is coming home again.

But do you recognize this feeling? You come home, but you don’t feel at home? This uneasy feeling that you are a stranger, a visitor in your own home? It could be the overall environment, the architecture, or the layout, but dominant in this feeling is the interior decoration or its inadequacy.

Your home should be your castle.

Life is too short to be left with this uncomfortable feeling. It can be fixed! There is always a way to make your house a better place when you are unhappy.

And a complete misunderstanding about the fact that making yourself a nice, warm and comfortable home is that the costs are enormous and out of reach.  Find out the possibilities here and learn how simple changes can be a start of a new homecoming.   

The Purpose

You can engage an interior designer, but that will cost you. Not necessary at all, because even on a low budget, you can achieve a stunning result. You only need someone to free you from this mental stranglehold, which causes your interior never to improve.

As an interior designer and floral artist, which I once have been professionally, I support you in creating your natural home feeling and not someone else’s (the problem with most interior designers, this lack of a soul). Let me be your guide in domestic well-being. Remotely, easily and effectively.

The purpose is that your home is going to make you feel welcome.

But understand that no program or plan can change it all. It depends on you, your commitment, and your will to do something about the current situation. It is not only about changing colour or moving furniture around. If that is what you are looking for, you better hire an interior adviser or designer.

This is about you! About your well-being and happiness.


Is your house Your Home?

Homecoming Plans
